Die Dinge des Alltags

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Es sind die ganz gewöhnlichen Dinge des Alltags, die von kulturellen Räumen und ihren Bewohnerinnen und Bewohnern erzählen, von ihren täglichen Ritualen, ihren Träumen, ihren Traditionen. Deswegen ist das Erforschen der materiellen Kultur so lohnenswert, gerade auch im Design.

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Methods for Exploring Cultural Spaces

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When Gabriel Meisel and his team went for a two-week field research to the refugee camp in Calais, each of them defined his or her own method and way to keep a journal about their findings. These methods included: a mobile kitchen as a device of interaction, research through joint solidarity…

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On the Move

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Cities on the Move – 2727 Kilometers Bottari Truck – this is the title of a project of south korean artist Soo-Ja Kim. On a Bottari truck, with traditional bundles of cloth to carry objects, we can travel with her, criss-crossing space to places that are relevant for her own biography. As she is allowing us to take her perspective, we can widen our own pespective.

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Von ihren vielen Reisen brachte sie Berge von Fotos mit, Briefumschläge gefüllt mit Tickets und Bücher voller Notizen ab. Wie kann all dies aber verdichtet, wie kann eine Reise archiviert werden? Lea Leuenburger hat während mehrerer Jahre am HyperWerk mit Reisedokumentationen experimentiert und schliesslich auch ihr Diplomjahr dem Thema gewidmet.

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What is a Cultural Space?

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This blog arose from the project Cultural Spaces and Design – Prospects for Design Education. We have chosen this title very consciously – but of course we are often asked: What exactly is a „cultural space“? We chose a spacial metaphor when talking about cultures, but certainly it is not only a metaphor. Spaces can be explored for real. Spaces can be internal or external, they can be of different size, focusing on local conditions or global phenomena…

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The Bunker as an Agora

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Our engagement in the topic of cultural spaces and design started with observing our students. They have been travelling and many of them realized projects that include or comment on different cultural spaces. How can we encourage them to reflect on this as topic in design education? From there we took forward the idea of making a Travel Kit to support our students…

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